Board Candidates

    Your name:
    Phone Number:
    Email Address:
    County of Residence:

    Are you currently serving on any other school Boards or other nonprofit Boards?

    If Yes, please list other Boards you currently serve on.

    If not, would you be interested in serving on other school Boards?

    Are you interested in serving on the governing Board of a charter school in the Opportunities for Learning network in a voluntary, uncompensated capacity?

    Why do you want to be a governing Board member of an OFL school?

    Do you have a close, personal relationship with anyone employed at an OFL school?

    Close Personal Relationship refers to familial, romantic, and financial relationships as well as close friendships. It does not include solely a prior working or professional relationship.

    If you selected "Yes" or "I Don't Know," please tell us more:

    Do you give consent to have your information, resume, bio, or other material and information provided as documentation for your request for appointment?

    I understand that my appointment or election to an OFL school Board is contingent upon successful clearance of a criminal background check through LiveSCAN fingerprinting submitted to the California Department of Justice/Federal Bureau of Investigation.

    By signing here, I understand that I am nominating myself to serve in a voluntary, non-compensated capacity on a Board determined by the Voting Board. I agree that any and all documentation I provide may be collated, organized, and presented to OFL-CA in consideration of my candidacy.